One of the major challenges faced by Agriculturists today is the ever growing demand for food posing difficulty in provision of sufficient and nutritious food to everyone in turn challenging maintenance of food security. Few other examples of Challenges faced by Agriculture include Environmental and climatic changes, availability of labour, increased urbanization etc., Discuss global trends in Agriculture and challenges faced by Agriculturists at AGRI 2021.
Important Alert:
Title : Suitaiology: Environmental protection, water resource creation and agricultural development in mountainous areas
Dachang Zhang, Water & Eco Crisis Foundation, United States
Title : Crucial role of fungi in environmentally sustainable agriculture
Nelida Lucia Del Mastro, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, IPEN/CNEN, Brazil
Title : Empowering indigenous communities through Agro-entrepreneurship training in millet-mushroom food innovations for nutrition and socio-economic development.
Sarker Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Title : Low-temperature atmospheric ressure plasma: An emerging green technology for improving agricultural productivity
Srinivasa Rao Mentreddy, Alabama A&M University, United States
Title : Importance of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for agricultural and horticultural projects, plans, programs, policies and legislative actions towards sustainable development
Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer, Bihar Institute of Public Administration & Rural Development (BIPARD), India
Title : Impact of climate change on insect pests
Shashi Vemuri, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, India