The intensification of agriculture has led to challenges such as soil degradation, water contamination, and greenhouse gas emissions, making sustainable solutions essential. Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides contributes to nutrient runoff, leading to issues like algal blooms and declining water quality. Livestock farming releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas, while monocropping depletes soil health and biodiversity. Solutions such as precision farming, organic fertilizers, and integrated pest management can help minimize negative consequences. Conservation practices like buffer zones, crop rotation, and afforestation further mitigate environmental damage. Addressing agricultural pollution & environmental impact requires a balance between productivity and sustainability, with policies, research, and farmer education playing key roles in promoting eco-friendly agricultural practices.
Title : Micromammal diversity and health in agricultural landscapes: A focus on body condition
Linas Balciauskas, Nature Research Centre, Lithuania
Title : Suitaiology: Technical goals and general concept designing for applications in mountain areas
Dachang Zhang, National Research Center for Geoanalysis and Water & Eco Crisis Foundation, United States
Title : Environmental Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) process for agricultural and horticultural processes - Case study as ginning of Indian seed-cotton (or kapas)
Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer, Bihar Institute of Public Administration & Rural Development (BIPARD), India
Title : The essential role of photosynthesis in defining net zero carbon dioxide 2 emissions for equilibrium calculations
Dave White, Climate Change Truth Inc., United States
Title : Future Indian hortibusiness
V P S Arora, Venkateshwara Group of Institutions, India
Title : A new direction in the use of wheat in agricultural processing
Elzbieta Wojtowicz, Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology - State Research Institute, Poland