Agricultural Economics is a branch of economics that deals with the use of economic theory in enhancing the production and distribution of food and fiber. Agricultural economics covers a wide range disciplines like applied areas, having considerable overlap with conventional economics. It covers a wide range of matters concerning to the development, trade, macroeconomic policy implications, agribusiness, production and consumption all the way to environmental and resource issues.
Important Alert:
Title : Suitaiology: Environmental protection, water resource creation and agricultural development in mountainous areas
Dachang Zhang, Water & Eco Crisis Foundation, United States
Title : Crucial role of fungi in environmentally sustainable agriculture
Nelida Lucia Del Mastro, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, IPEN/CNEN, Brazil
Title : Empowering indigenous communities through Agro-entrepreneurship training in millet-mushroom food innovations for nutrition and socio-economic development.
Sarker Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Title : Low-temperature atmospheric ressure plasma: An emerging green technology for improving agricultural productivity
Srinivasa Rao Mentreddy, Alabama A&M University, United States
Title : Importance of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for agricultural and horticultural projects, plans, programs, policies and legislative actions towards sustainable development
Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer, Bihar Institute of Public Administration & Rural Development (BIPARD), India
Title : Impact of climate change on insect pests
Shashi Vemuri, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, India