Agricultural safety and health is a facet of occupational safety and health in the agricultural workplace. It is particularly concerned with the health and safety of farmers, farm workers, and their families. Agriculture industry is linked with critical risks, with a variety of factors causing injuries and death in the agricultural farms. Some of the common injuries in agricultural workplace are hearing loss, musculoskeletal disorders, respiratory diseases, poisoning from pesticides and chemicals, reproductive issues, and many other ailments. These injuries are caused mainly by loud noises from machinery, stress from transporting heavy objects, gases and fumes like methane and from chemicals etc.
Title : The essential role of photosynthesis in defining net zero carbon dioxide 2 emissions for equilibrium calculations
Dave White, Climate Change Truth Inc, United States
Title : Suitaiology: Technical goals and general concept designing for applications in mountain areas
Dachang Zhang, National Research Center for Geoanalysis and Water & Eco Crisis Foundation, United States
Title : Micromammal diversity and health in agricultural landscapes: A focus on body condition
Linas Balciauskas, Nature Research Centre, Lithuania
Title : Plant-microbe synergies in mitigating nitrous oxide emissions from grazed pastures
Roselyne Aleyo, Massey University and Agresearch Grasslands Campus, New Zealand
Title : Environmental Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) process for agricultural and horticultural processes - Case study as ginning of Indian seed-cotton (or kapas)
Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer, Bihar Institute of Public Administration & Rural Development (BIPARD), India
Title : Beyond the frontrunners: Understanding adoption of digital agricultural technologies
Caroline Van Der Weerdt, TNO, Netherlands