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Agri 2024

Study on resource use efficiency of redgram production in Karnataka

Vijayachandra Reddy, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
University of Agricultural Sciences, India
Title : Study on resource use efficiency of redgram production in Karnataka


Redgram (Cajanus cajana) is one of the most important pulse crops in the tropics and sub-tropical regions of the world. Redgram occupies an area of 16 lakh ha with a production of 12 lakh tonnes during 2020-21 in Karnataka. The main objective of any production unit is the better co-ordination and utilization of various resources to realize greater returns an attempt was made to analyze the productivity of various resources in the production of redgram under organic and inorganic farmers separately. The Cobb-Douglas production function was used to analyse the resource use efficiency levels. The findings shows that, the resources like seeds, FYM, vermicompost, biopesticide, plant growth harmones, and bullock labour in organic redgram and seeds, FYM and plant protection chemicals in inorganic redgram production were underutilized. Similarly, biofertilizer, human labour, and machine labour in organic and fertilizers, human labour, machine labour, and bullock labour in inorganic redgram production were over utilised. Thus, most of the inputs were used indiscriminately in the redgram production. Further, the findings were also focused on the farm efficiency analysing using Data Envelopment Analysis method, it shows that, more than 50 per cent of the sample farmers were operating above 70 per cent efficiency level across the study area. However, only a few farmers (<30%) were operating below 70 per cent efficiency level.
Keywords: Organic, Inorganic, Production, Redgram, Resource Use Efficiency



Vijayachandra Reddy
University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, India

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