Title : Characteristics of new solid and liquid feed products based on wheat and pea
Wheat grain constitutes a vital source of plant-based nutrition for humans. Wheat is valuable ingredient in many food products, and wheat harvest surpluses offer opportunities for innovative solutions within the agricultural industry. Due to the fact that the amino acid profile of cereals is not fully valuable for animal feeding, soybean meal is most often added to improve the biological value of feed derived from cereals. In Poland, most soybeans are imported due to the unfavorable climate for soybean cultivation. An alternative legume successfully cultivated in Poland, both due to climatic and soil requirements is pea, with over 20 varieties registered. Growing peas is beneficial for improving the soil structure and allows for the reduction of the amount of nitrogen fertilizers used in subsequent cereal crops. By intercropping wheat and peas, both crops can be harvested efficiently and later processed in an innovative and rational way and secured in the form of animal feed. Peas are a source of protein with an amino acid profile that complements that of gluten, the primary protein in wheat. To improve the biological value of wheat feed products, a small addition of peas is sufficient. The aim of the work was to characterize two new preparations for animal nutrition obtained by simultaneous processing of wheat and pea. These preparations serve as valuable semi-finished products, suitable for both solid feed and milk replacer in calf nutrition. The addition of pea seeds enriched the amino acid composition of wheat with some valuable exogenous amino acids, including lysine. Tests were carried out on the nutritional value and microbiological durability of packaged feed products.