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Agri 2024

Spray drying of Momordica Cymbalria (Karchikai) juice powder and its storage studies

Veena T, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
University of Agricultural Sciences, India
Title : Spray drying of Momordica Cymbalria (Karchikai) juice powder and its storage studies


Momordica cymbalaria is one of the species of cucurbitaceae family. The plant is a perennial climber available only during the monsoon season and is found in the south Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, and Tamil Nadu. India is the second largest producer of vegetables in the world after china. As per ICMR recommendation vegetable consumption is 280g/day, but the actual consumption of vegetable is only 135g/day. This gap is due to load on production of conventional foods. To overcome this challenge, it is essential to explore the available underutilized vegetables. These underutilized vegetables are far superior in nutrition and have medicinal properties along with high crop yield potential. The crop is valued for its edible fruits, and leaves as vegetable and its tubers are mainly preferred for medicinal purpose. The beta-carotene content of karchikai was 224.9 Ig/100 g and that of sponge gourd and ridge gourd was 200I.U/100 g and 55 I.U/100 g respectively. Karchikai contained a higher amount of ascorbic acid 160.77mg/100 g on a fresh weight basis. The iron and phosphorous content of karchikai was also found to be higher (130.00 mg and 5.50 mg/100 g, respectively) compared to other species. The nutrient contents of Fruits of the two vegetables M. cymbalaria (Karchikai) and Momordica charantia (Bittergourd) are compared. The calcium content of Karchikai is three times higher than that of the Bitter gourd. The higher concentration of this nutrient in Karchikai may be exploited and used. The ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) content of Karchikai is two times higher than that of Bitter gourd. The drying of foods in the open sun is a practice being followed in many countries since ancient times, especially by individual households and small scale enterprises. Drying is a part of many conventional food preparations. It also helps to impart special taste and store food items for longer periods. Spray drying technology has given major contribution in drying of liquid products and stores it for high shelf life. The karchikai juice was made into powder by using spray dryer. Maltodextrin was added as binding agent. The proximate analysis and physiological properties was carried out of all the samples.
Key Words: Karchikai, Spray drying, karchikai powder, Bitter gourd, Ascorbic acid, beta-carotene

Audience Take Away:
Explain how the audience will be able to use what they learn?
How will this help the audience in their job?
Audience will be able to understand how underutilized vegetables which are rich in nutrition can also be used as super food and also in pharmaceutical industries.

  • Is this research that other faculty could use to expand their research or teaching?
  • Does this provide a practical solution to a problem that could simplify or make a designer’s job more efficient?

M. Cymbalaria can be used in powder form and can keep for 6 months.
Further studies can be made to use in medicines which cure diabetes.

Will it improve the accuracy of a design, or provide new information to assist in a design problem

List all other benefits.
This powder can be used year-round as a nutritious food.
Rich in vitamin C, immunity boosting food


Er.Veena T, completed Undergraduate in B. Tech (Agricultural Engg), in University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur Karnataka and M.Tech in Processing and Food Engg from IICPT, Tanjavur, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,Tamil Nadu. I have teaching experience of 9 years and published more than 10 full length papers, 20+ research articles, 2 books, 25 folders. Presently working as Scientist of Processing and Food Engg in ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra Raichur, Karnataka, India. I have worked on Parbioling pre treatment of Pigeon pea to increase its milling yield, Non destructive method of fruit fly identification using Soft x ray, millet based bakery items.

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