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Agri 2024

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Srinivasa Rao Mentreddy
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Srinivasa Rao Mentreddy, Alabama A&M University, United States

The grand challenge of feeding nearly 10 billion people by 2050 requires that agriculture overcome several destabilizing factors, including the most challenging climate-change occurrences, to food and water security. Agricultural production must innovate environmentally friendly [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Raphael Linker
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Raphael Linker, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Due to increasing food demand and water scarcity, the planning and management of agricultural land is one of the major challenges the world is currently facing. In my talk I will discuss how Crop Growth Models can be used for multi-year planning of land and irrigation water alloc [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Raphael Linker
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Raphael Linker, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Precise nitrogen (N) monitoring, considering spatiotemporal variations, is essential for optimal fertilization in orchards. Traditionally, N assessment relies on labour-intensive leaf chemical analysis. Our study integrates multi-spectral unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and satel [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Sova Yadav
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Sova Yadav, Banaras Hindu University, India

Since 2016, the Fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) has moved globally from its native American distribution to Africa and Asia. It is a crop pest species that invaded India in 2018 and has rapidly spread throughout the country. Rearing the FAW in different ar [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 -  Nelida Lucia Del Mastro
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Nelida Lucia Del Mastro, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, IPEN/CNEN, Brazil

To produce more, better and safer food we must be able to do so while promoting the sustainable use of agricultural resources.  The increase in agricultural production is currently through the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and developments in plant breeding and genetic ski [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Gopal Naik
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Gopal Naik, Indian Institute of Managemnt (IIM), Bangalore, India

Agriculture sector in India has achieved many milestones such as being largest producers of milk, millets, pulses and jute and second largest producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, cotton, fruits and vegetables in the world. However, low productivity is all pervasive. In this talk w [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Angelantonio Calabrese
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Angelantonio Calabrese, Water Research Institute- National Research Council, Italy

Modern agriculture appears to have a very diversified impact on the soil not only for the crops used but also for the type of fertilizer used. One of the least studied impacts is that on the soil microbiome. Maintaining a stable soil microbial community structure is crucial in pr [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Derek Scuffell
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Derek Scuffell, Knowmatics, United Kingdom

This presentation introduces a cost-effective IoT-based pest surveillance system, designed initially for smallholder farms in Tamil Nadu, India, to combat invasive species like the Fall Armyworm (FAW). Integrating affordable sensor technology, progressive web apps and knowledge g [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Laura
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Laura, Tecnalia, Spain

Counting insects in plants has many applications, such as the development of new insecticides. Deep learning has allowed to develop robust automation of the insect counting in images of leaves by density map estimation. However, deep learning requires many annotated data. Th [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Anna Kirstgen
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Anna Kirstgen, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Germany

Europe's rural and urban areas are facing growing problems due to climate change, loss of biodiversity, unsustainable use of resources and growing alienation between urban and rural dwellers. These trends threaten the sustainability of urban development and food systems. A [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Henrik Barth
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Henrik Barth, Halmstad University, Sweden

The aim of this contribution is to present a research project that focus on how agricultural entrepreneurs work to reach safe and sustainable working processes in their businesses, and by this contribute to concept development regarding how safe and sustainable processes can be d [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Pia Ulvenblad
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Pia Ulvenblad, Halmstad University, Sweden

The aim of this contribution is to present a research project that focus on how agricultural entrepreneurs work to reach safe and sustainable working processes in their businesses, and by this contribute to concept development regarding how safe and sustainable processes can be d [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Jagoda Zmyslona
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Jagoda Zmyslona, University of Life Sciences in Poznan, Poland

Caring for the climate is a guarantee of providing good quality food (DaMatta et al. 2010; Vågsholm et al. 2020). Its changes can negatively affect agricultural productivity (Lobell and Gourdji 2012; Sarker et al. 2023) and, consequently, its profitability (Hertel and Rosch [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 -  Amrutha T Joshi
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Amrutha T Joshi, College of Agricultural Engineering, UAS, India

The study main objective was to assess the financial feasibility for investment on dragon fruit cultivation using tools such as Benefit cost (B:C) ratio, Net Present Value (NPV), Payback period and internal rate of returns in Karnataka province. The primary data were collected fr [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Gopal Naik
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Gopal Naik, Indian Institute of Managemnt (IIM), Bangalore, India

Productivity primarily determines the competitiveness of a country. Countries with high productivity can become highly competitive in the global market and enhance their export revenues. On the other hand, productivity shocks can worsen the commodity price dynamics in the domesti [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Anja Korosa
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Anja Korosa, Geological Survey of Slovenia, Slovenia

Groundwater quantity and quality are of great importance for people's well-being and economic development. It is a very important resource for drinking water, irrigation and industrial uses. Different pollutants, including nutrients from agricultural areas, enter the groundwa [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Madembo Connie
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Madembo Connie, Chinhoyi University of Technology and CIMMYT, Kenya

Weeds are regarded as problematic and costly to control in all global farming ecosystems and are known to compete with crops for essential growth resources (light, moisture, and nutrients). Smallholder farmers, often constrained by limited resources and environmental degradation, [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Fahimeh Helali Soltanahmadi
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Fahimeh Helali Soltanahmadi, Project HOPE, Ethiopia

To investigate the effects of seed pretreatment on drought tolerance, an experimental Marigold (Calendula officinalis L) was tested in 2017-2018. A germination experiment was performed in the laboratory of Urmia University. The experiment was performed as a factorial experiment i [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Felicien Amakpe
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Felicien Amakpe, Ministère du Cadre de Vie et des Transport, en Charge du Developpement Durable, Benin

Combretum micranthum is a wild medicinal melliferous tree from the tropical regions. As it is not domesticated and is intensively harvested, it is threatened to extinction and such extinction will hinder its ecological functions, the sociocultural and magico medicinal knowledge t [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Lina Sarunaite
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Lina Sarunaite, Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Lithuania

In Lithuania, due to short seasons after harvesting, low temperature or lack of moisture during germination, it is not always possible to grow valuable catch crop (CC). Agronomic practices related to CC should therefore be adapted to the specific soil and climatic conditions of t [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Hellen Chelagat Maina
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Hellen Chelagat Maina, Forbes Mentorship, Kenya

Sustainable farming focuses environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and economically viable farming practices. Innovations such as precision farming, organic methods, agroforestry, and water-efficient techniques are key to achieving a greener future. These approaches prom [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Saima Mohan
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Saima Mohan, Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd., India

Agriculture is vital for India's economy and food security with 70% rural population relying on it for livelihood. To address the constraints in agricultural markets and providing quality information, Indian government-initiated Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) to strengt [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Pranay Verma
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Pranay Verma, Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd., India

Agriculture is vital for India's economy and food security with 70% rural population relying on it for livelihood. To address the constraints in agricultural markets and providing quality information, Indian government-initiated Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) to strengt [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Nevena Stevanovic
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Nevena Stevanovic, BioSense Institute, Serbia

Gathering data on weather, soil conditions, and key plant growth parameters throughout the season enables running models for predicting crop growth and yield under specific abiotic conditions. The objective of this study was to set up a field experiment to collect data which co [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Dolores Valentina Mariscal Aguayo
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Dolores Valentina Mariscal Aguayo, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico

Vanilla, a plant native to Mexico, is a product demanded in the refreshments and culinary industries, and it has productive potential in the country; however, it is necessary to improve the production system. The objective of the work was to implement a technology transfer model [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Hamil Uribe
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Hamil Uribe, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA, Chile

Hazelnut is rapidly expanding in Chile, particularly in central zone, where the climate change has significantly diminished water availability, making irrigation vital. This study assesses hazelnut responses to different irrigation levels, focusing on yield and quality.  The [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Masa Buden
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Masa Buden, BioSense Institute, Serbia

The demand for increased food production and the expansion of saline soil areas highlights the need to study plant tolerance to elevated soil salinity. Soil salinity is a significant environmental stressor that limits crop growth and yield by reducing water absorption due to os [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Jesus Magdaleno Villar
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Jesus Magdaleno Villar, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico

There is a wide variety of materials that can be suitable as growing substrates, considering their physical, chemical and biological characteristics. The proportion in the mixture of most inorganic and organic materials has an important role in obtaining a new one, because organi [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Ausra Arlauskien
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Ausra Arlauskien, Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Lithuania

Organic farming systems have advantages in terms of environmental impact, but often result in lower crop yields and profits compared to conventional production. The purpose of the research is to assess the impact of various methods of sowing and utilization of legumes and granula [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Juan Martinez Solis
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Juan Martinez Solis, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico

The morphological characterization of species has been used to know genetic diversity among accessions and represent significant information for the conservation of plant genetic resources as well as to support genetic improvement programs. The objective of this work was to chara [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Veerangouda
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Veerangouda, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, India

The application of Drones have now become immensely important in various fields of agriculture and allied sectors. Recently, multi-rotor drones have become one of the dominant approaches, especially for spraying operations. Researchers and manufacturers have been quite interested [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Ghanashyam Sharma
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Ghanashyam Sharma, The Mountain Institute , India

Organic farming has emerged in India as a sustainable alternative to traditional agriculture, emphasizing soil health and the production of nutritious food without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. This study explores the broader implications of organic farming in India, focu [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Sarker Mohammad Rezaul Karim
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
Sarker Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

In Bangladesh, a big number of indigenous peoples, who mainly lives in hilly areas are deprived of many facilities including, education, health-care facility, market access etc. which render them to suffer from malnutrition and subsistence living standard. This research focused o [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Dachang Zhang
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
Dachang Zhang, Water & Eco Crisis Foundation, United States

Water, humans and the environment constitute the WHE system. The dynamic state and dynamic development trend of dynamic interactions between water and other members of the system is the so-called water situation. From the perspective of suitaiology, the natural situation of water [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer, Bihar Institute of Public Administration & Rural Development (BIPARD), India

In this article environmental impact assessment (EIA) process for agricultural and horticultural projects, plans, programs, policies, legislative actions towards sustainable development with field EIA reports. The entrepreneurship development through green economic model for sust [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Shashi Vemuri
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
Shashi Vemuri, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, India

Climate change and global warming are of great concern to agriculture worldwide and are among the most discussed issues in today’s society. Climate parameters such as increased temperatures, rising atmospheric CO2 levels, and changing precipitation patterns have signif [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - V P S Arora
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
V P S Arora, Venkateshwara Group of Institutions, India

The Indian agriculture, after Independence has established a number of milestones of achievements. The scenario of ship-to-mouth in 1950s has been transformed to a situation of food security and net surplus for export. The green revolution era of 1960s to 1980s and the economic r [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Linas Balciauskas
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
Linas Balciauskas, Nature research centre, Lithuania

The significant problem between agriculture and mammals is the conflict over resources and land use. This conflict manifests in various ways, including crop damages caused by many species, predation on livestock by carnivores, and the transmission of pathogens affecting humans an [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Mallikarjuna Muddappa
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Mallikarjuna Muddappa, College of Agricultural Engineering, UAS, India

The quantitative morphometric analysis of the present research study was taken up in the Hirerayanakumpi sub-watershed, Deodurga Taluka, Raichur district, Kalyana-Karnataka, India at 160 23’18” North latitude and 770 09’ 29” East longitude. The drainage ne [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Vijayachandra Reddy
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Vijayachandra Reddy, University of Agricultural Sciences, India

India stands at second position after Brazil in sweet orange production. India has a production of 38.94 lakh tonnes of sweet orange. Andhra Pradesh is the leading producer of sweet orange in India with production of 27 lakh tonnes and area of 1.12 lakh ha. (MoA and FW, 2022). In [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Marjana Zajc
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Marjana Zajc, Geological Survey of Slovenia, Slovenia

One of the greatest burdens on the groundwater quality comes from diffuse pollution in agriculture. Precision agriculture reduces its impact on groundwater and ensures a more sustainable water and fertilizer usage. For correctly implementing precision agriculture procedures, know [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Jana Simeckova
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Jana Simeckova, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic

In the field of agriculture, new ways of increasing yields but also less demanding on the environment are being sought. Current agricultural policy in the agrarian sector tends to reduce inputs in the form of various crop protection sprays or mineral fertilizers. Therefore, ways [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Juan Martinez Solis
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Juan Martinez Solis, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico

The mamey [Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H. E. Moore & Stearn] has high potential for commercial exploitation; however, to date the plantations in Cuetzala del Progreso, Mexico, are characterized by having native trees, and their dissemination has been mainly by seed, thus generati [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Semuel Leunufna
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Semuel Leunufna, Faculty of Agriculture Pattimura University, Indonesia

Bio prospecting activities produce multiple beneficial effect not only  to human in general but specifically to all stake holders including developed countries and multinational companies involved, developing countries harboring biological diversity and especially indigenous [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Senaka Lalith Dharmasri Amarathunga
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Senaka Lalith Dharmasri Amarathunga, Uva Wellassa University, Sri Lanka

The sustainable cultivation of organic tea is facing a grave challenge in the form of climate change, which has led to a host of negative impacts on tea production. In order to mitigate these impacts and ensure the continued viability of organic tea cultivation, swift and effecti [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Inoussa Compaore
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Inoussa Compaore, Nazi BONI University, Burkina Faso

Today, the world is faced with the problem of meeting the food needs of its population. This problem is increasingly observed in certain cities already facing a high poverty rate. In Burkina Faso, agriculture is the main source of income for the poorest populations and the pillar [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Musa Baldeh
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Musa Baldeh, Surex Farms, Gambia

This research document aims to address the challenges faced by modern agriculture, including resource inefficiency and environmental concerns, and proposes a solution utilizing precision agriculture techniques. The problem lies in the imprecise application of inputs, such as wate [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Navdeep Singh
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Navdeep Singh, Seneca Polytechnic, Canada

This study investigates the potential of Variable Rate Technology (VRT) to promote sustainable agricultural practices in response to urgent environmental challenges. The objective of the research is to quantify emission reductions by concentrating on the efficacy of VRT in optimi [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Somdatta Ghosh
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Somdatta Ghosh, Midnapore College, India

Climate change, marketing of irrigation demanding high yielding crop varieties, low affordability of agrochemicals by marginal farmers, natural calamities leaving a large portion of agricultural lands fallow for seasons or years in some developing countries. This barren condition [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Gan Yangying
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Gan Yangying, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

This study compares the sweet corn industries in the United States and China, the top global producers. The United States has experienced a 47.2% decrease in planted area and a 27.9% decrease in yield since the 21st century. Over 70% of the United States planting is dedicated to [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Paul Luzuriaga
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Paul Luzuriaga, Florida International University, United States

Arid lands could cover between 16 and 30% of the land surface and are home for about 20% of the Earth’s population. They are predominantly found in the subtropics and set to grow every year in part due to climate change conditions. Deforestation, land over exploitation, pes [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Rolf Gael Mabicka Obame
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Rolf Gael Mabicka Obame, Department of Phytotechnology, Gabon

The second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG2) aims to eradicate hunger through the implementation of sustainable and resilient agricultural practices. This objective can’t be achieved without taking account soil. This is why the study of soil through their physico-chemical [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Noemi Stadler Kaulich
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Noemi Stadler Kaulich, Mollesnejta-Institute for Andean Agroforestry, Bolivia

Climate change, loss of soil fertility and declining biodiversity are jeopardizing humanity's food supply. Agroforestry can ensure food security through the following points: Adaptation to climate change Tree crowns dampen the wind (prevent wind erosion) Provide s [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Esteban Solorzano Vega
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Esteban Solorzano Vega, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico

The broad bean (Vicia faba L.) in Mexico is cultivated in “Valles Altos”. With the objective of determining the morpho-agronomic variation of local populations, 60 accessions were collected that were identified with the meteorological data of the collection site (31 l [....] » Read More

Speaker at Agriculture and  Horticulture 2024 - Mehrana Koohi Dehkordi
Poster Presentation (Virtual)
Mehrana Koohi Dehkordi, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)

In order to investigate the effect of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on quantitative and qualitative yield of Melissa officinalis L. under water shortage stress in the second year of cultivation, an experiment was conducted as a split plot based on a randomized compl [....] » Read More

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