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Agri 2024

How climate-smart agriculture solves for planetary sustainability

Michael Davidson, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Davidson Consultants, United States
Title : How climate-smart agriculture solves for planetary sustainability


Planetary sustainability is threatened by much more than climate change. Ocean acidification, land system change, water use, biodiversity loss and extinction, aerosol loading, and stratospheric ozone depletion must be mitigated. In addition, when Earth’s population grows to 10 billion people in 2050 we must have already closed the 56% gap from 2010-2050 in caloric intake, the 11 gigaton GHG gap to maintain a 20 C increase, a 600 million hectare gap for food production, a 31% water gap for irrigating crops for 2050, a 40% post-harvest loss gap, a 46% sanitation gap, and a 5 million ton reduction in pesticide spraying. The Climate-smart Agriculture model has the capacity to solve for all these challenges but only if systems are replicable and scalable and do not require smallholder farmer finance. The model, inclusive of case studies illustrating replicability, scalability, and no need for finance, will be unpacked in this presentation.

Audience Take Away:
• How to design a community, national, and regional holistic systems approach
• The criticality of multi and trans-disciplinary approaches and expertise
• How to identify, navigate and negotiate constraints and barriers to good outcomes.
• How to identify vet, test, and monitor innovations in agriculture
• How to achieve scalability and replicability.


He has served as CEO for two start-up companies, and a senior professional farmer, scholar, developer, implementer, and evaluator of programs to improve socio-ecologic systems at all scales. He has consulted for the International Finance Corporation and Water Resources Group of the World Bank, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), The Sustainable Trade Initiative, the Inter-American Development Bank, for programs of climate-smart agriculture for smallholder farmers in sub-Asia, East and West Africa, the Middle East, and South America. He is in US Department of State “expert speaker” on climate change and agriculture. He is a PhD in Public Policy.

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