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Agri 2024

Application of theory of planned behavior and health belief model to analyze farmers intention and adoption behavior of biopesticides in India

Suraj Kumar, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Indian Institute of Technology, India
Title : Application of theory of planned behavior and health belief model to analyze farmers intention and adoption behavior of biopesticides in India


The demonstrated benefits of agricultural extension in promoting biopesticide adoption among farmers, farmers’ health and the environment are prime priorities for any agrarian economy. But questions persist regarding the most effective strategies for extending biopesticides and enhancing their efficacy. This research investigates the influence of the Health Belief Model (HBM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) constructs on farmers' intentions toward using biopesticides. The study explores the mediating effect of attitude on usage intention. Sample of 385 farmers in Bihar, India were collected to understand the intention of rural farmers in adopting biopesticide the research employs Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique using Smart PLS software for data analysis. The findings reveal significant impacts of various factors on farmers' attitudes and behavioral intentions toward biopesticide usage. Mediation analysis shows that attitude fully mediates the effect of health motivation and partially mediates the effect of perceived benefits on behavioral intention. The proposed research model provides significant explanatory power and helps in understanding farmers' intentions to use biopesticides. The government and policymakers may use the current research findings to develop strategies to enhance biopesticide usage.

Keywords: Subjective norms, Attitude, Behavioral intention, Perceived benefits, Perceived severity


Suraj Kumar is a Senior Research Scholar at Bio-Research Laboratory, Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, West Bengal, India. His research focuses on challenges and opportunities of commercialization of biopesticides in India. His work involves modeling and analyzing the biopesticides supply chain to enhance operational efficiency. Also, research extends to areas such as special topics in entrepreneurship focusing on agri-entrepreneurship in India , examining entrepreneurial intentions among science and technology students, and agricultural supply chain management

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