Dr. Subhas Chandra Datta is Headmaster & Researcher, Eco-Club Research Unit, Kanchannagar D.N.Das High School, Kanchannagar, Burdwan, West Bengal, India. He has 14 years teaching experience and has been publishing research for 18 years. He is an expert in the identification of diseases and the methodology of that research. Dr. Subhas Chandra Datta is also a member of numerous professional societies including the Society for Biological Chemists, the Zoological Society of Burdwan and Calcutta Univ., and the Social and Environmental Biological Association.
Title : Ecology of biomedicine physiology in agriculture horticulture enhances food-security wildlife-biodiversity-conservation science-technology-communication issues
Title : A mobile app geospatial ecosystem technology of ginger biomedicines physiology prevent future pandemic: improved agriculture horticulture biodiversity wildlife conservation environment