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AGRI 2023

Ecology of biomedicine physiology in agriculture horticulture enhances food-security wildlife-biodiversity-conservation science-technology-communication issues

Subhas Chandra Dattaa, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Department of Zoology, VisvaBharati University, India
Title : Ecology of biomedicine physiology in agriculture horticulture enhances food-security wildlife-biodiversity-conservation science-technology-communication issues


The past two decades have seen several viral epidemics, causing significant loss of human lives.In the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in India’, the recent COVID-19 epidemics emerge as serious-global-threat to human civilization, public health, agriculture, horticulture, travel, socioeconomic, education, and even clinical research, ecological balance, food-producing systems, and climate regulation, enrolment, classroom hunger and malnutrition, socialization, attendance, and retention rates, and women employment playing a vital role in the education of underprivileged children also. On the other hand, recently conventional vaccines have had high production costs, and complex purification processes, and have not always had bio-safety in issues, time-consuming, and bio-safety test commercial production issues, and weakening the ability of vaccines to prevent pathogens causing diseases. It has no specific therapeutics or effective treatment options. Though the middle and upper classes are able to manage, low-income households are really suffering. So Government of India wants to reorient the COVID-19 crisis by developing policy initiatives. So it is focused on the consumption of nutritious and traditional medicinal weed, vegetables, fruits, and spices as regular meals for preventive measures against human diseases that are naturally infected with different pathogens-caused diseases and significantly decrease food production, and it will improve the accuracy of a design, or provide new information to assist in a design problem. Though pesticides are the most effective means of control, they are costly and not environmentally friendly, and toxic. So, it is emphasized on the multiple-intercropped weed vegetable fruits plants of the 4 plants, viz., amaranth, cucumber, cowpea, and okra plants, and determines the effects on pathogens infected diseases; Root Knot and Mosaic Virus. After harvesting, of these 4 plant species, amaranth and cucumber received maximum infection, forming the Eco-Friendly Highly- Economical Potential-Biomedicines Cover-Catch Weed-Vegetable-Fruits-Crop-Plants, conserving biodiversity-Sustainable Climate-Health-Development Green-Socio-Economic-Implications Agriculture-Horticulture, though all are highly susceptible to pathogens, the large audience including farmers will be able to learn, use and enjoy the double benefit; by controlling diseases, and by marketing, and this will help the audience in their job. In biomedicines, weed-vegetables-fruits, and spices (ginger, turmeric, and garlic) OR the plant-Mosaic-Virus has been developed as antigenic epitopes derived from the vaccine targets-COVID-19 infectious epidemic disease agents, and the chimeric virus particles, use in vaccine formulations or treatments, as list all other benefits; cost-effective emergency-healthcare easily-available safe-edible prepare-able easy-applicable future-personalized-potential-biomedicines act as Preventive-Measures and Safe-Alternative to Live-Replicating-COVID-19 Vaccines, by increasing our natural immune system, which is one of the milestone events amidst many important changes in the past decade that have necessitated formulation of a new outlook and strategy for preventing Future-Pandemic-Pathogens of 21st-Century-Advances-Research-Diagnosis-Treatment-Control Enriching Food-Security Agriculture-Horticulture Wildlife-Biodiversity-Conservation Green-Socio-Economy Medical-Science and Technology-Communication-Applications-Innovation-Issues, based on the theme?Vision 2040 that would help policy-makers. The scientist and other faculty could use it to expand their research or teaching also. It is proved that the weed-vegetables-fruits and spices ‘Biomedicines’ production fully depend on agriculture-horticulture production, showing “Ecology of Biomedicine Physiology in Agriculture Horticulture Enhances Food-Security Wildlife-Biodiversity-Conservation Science-Technology-Communication Issues”. And it clues together our experts in infectious disease diagnostics, surveillance, vaccine development, and therapeutics, which will enable a swifter and more focused response to the next global pandemic, and future immunotherapy design in type-2 diabetes and other inflammatory conditions also. And in the future ultra highly diluted combined biomedicines may be used for the ‘Vaccine Nationalism Equity and Passport for All’, and this provides a practical solution to a problem that could simplify or make a designer’s job more efficient.


Dr. Subhas Chandra Datta is Headmaster & Researcher, Eco-Club Research Unit, Kanchannagar D.N.Das High School, Kanchannagar, Burdwan, West Bengal, India. He has 14 years teaching experience and has been publishing research for 18 years. He is an expert in the identification of diseases and the methodology of that research. Dr. Subhas Chandra Datta is also a member of numerous professional societies including the Society for Biological Chemists, the Zoological Society of Burdwan and Calcutta Univ., and the Social and Environmental Biological Association.

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