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Agri 2024

Rice, A theft away food

Ye Aung, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Independent Consultant, Myanmar
Title : Rice, A theft away food


World’s massively eating food is in shortage danger!

Rice, which was eroded by beauty making since people eat white rice, is again being reduced it’s mass by climate change.  More and more of internal eatables are disappearing every year as ground water is lowering deeper and deeper.  Weights and grades are apparently short.  Hence, people need to take more quantity for want of fulfillment.  This scenario makes one of the human’s lifeline foods a double loss.  The amount is huge.

Rice eaters seem impossible for food diversifications, this kind of unnoticed problem shall be tackled with outmost urgency.  Otherwise, consequences are chilling. Solutions are out there


Ye Aung
Independent Consultant, Myanmar

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