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AGRI 2022

Rythu Bharosa Kendralu (RBKs- Farmer facilitation centres) - A Digital & Integrated model for knowledge and service delivery to farmers towards sustainable Agriculture- A unique initiative in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India.

Poonam Malakondaiah, Speaker at Agri Conferences
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, India
Title : Rythu Bharosa Kendralu (RBKs- Farmer facilitation centres) - A Digital & Integrated model for knowledge and service delivery to farmers towards sustainable Agriculture- A unique initiative in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India.


Andhra Pradesh being an Agrarian State, the Government primarily focuses on Agriculture & allied sectors and Farmer’s Welfare. The Hon’ble Chief Minister has envisioned on establishing an Agri Input Shop and a Village Knowledge center at every Village in the state inorder to deliver quality input supply and latest technology knowhow to farmers at their doorstep. This vision is grounded in the name  “Rythu Bharosa Kendram” (RBK)- literal meaning of which in State Language Telugu is ‘ Farmer assurance centre’.  On May 30th 2020 Govt inaugurated 10778 RBKs.  Rythu Bharosa Kendram is One Stop Shop for supply of Government Certified Agri Inputs (Seeds, Fertilizers & Pesticides), Animal Husbandry & Fisheries Inputs to the farmers and  Farmer Knowledge Center for giving scientific Agri Advisories to the farmers.

RBKs make available quality Agri inputs, farm implements and fish feed etc., to farmers at right price, right time at their Village Secretariats. This initiative reduce duplicate and spurious products sale in market by allowing sale of only tested and certified products through Govt  Agri Input Shops.

The farmers are technically empowered at RBKs through practical training programmes viz Dr YSR Polambadi, YSR Thotabadi, Pasu Vignana badi, Matyasagu badi (Badi means school)and latest technical knowledge being disseminated through monthly magazine called “Dr.YSR Rythu Bharosa Magazine” and District Resource Centers (Dept & University Scientists). Audio Visual Aids, Mini Soil testing Lab, Method demonstrations, Library etc are part of RBKs. The RBKs act as interface between Farmers and Scientists and Extension staff of Agriculture. RBKs act as single point of contact for information about latest technologies, Govt. schemes etc. A database of Farmers in RBK jurisdiction with details of land extent, crops grown, livestock details etc is maintained by RBK Staff. RBKs are also functioning as Procurement centers at farm gate.

RBK Advisory Boards are established at State, District, Mandal and RBK level to guide on various farming issues. Farmers are made as part of decision making through these Agri Advisory Boards. AABs facilitated bottom to top approach to form policy decision making as required by the farming community.

Social Audit is a Unique Feature in RBKs. Government Welfare Schemes Beneficiary lists are displayed at RBKs to bring transparency in the system. Social Audit facilitate extending benefits to Right person only.

The farmers are being given advisories on welfare schemes and technical queries through RBK Call Center 155251. About 64 Qualified Executives are engaged in Integrated Call Center (ICC).

The RBK is an innovative and comprehensive approach and is a Game Changer for farmers which strengthens Agriculture Extension System in collaboration with all the line departments like Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture, Veterinary, Fisheries, Cooperation, Irrigation etc to deliver the services to the farmers from a single platform.


Smt Poonam Malakondaiah is post graduate in Agriculture with specialization in Micro Biology from Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi and is Gold Medalist. She joined into Indian Administrative Service in 1988 and served to the country in various cadres viz., District Collector, HoD of various depts Agriculture, Civil Supplies, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development, Health & Family welfare.Presently working as Chief Commissioner (RBKs) & Spl Chief Secretary to Government (Agri & Co-Op Dept . She was awarded “Akshara Deeksha” (Literacy goal) by Prime Minister for her exemplary service in women literacy programme

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