Title : Enhancing restoration while saving water
The summer of 2022 has been characterized as one of the most arid periods that induced problems related to water availability. The lack of water negatively affected the restoration efforts of ecosystems as well as the production in general. Particularly for the Mediterranean semi-arid regions, high frequency and intensity of drought events pose many obstacles to the regeneration and restoration efforts. Nonetheless, research has indicated that seedlings that undergo a period of water stress prior to transplant, have a greater percent of survival success. The aim of this study was to investigate the responses of forest species that were subjected to water deficit conditions prior transplanting. Based on the results, seedlings that were treated with reduced water, were able to successfully survive and maintain growth vigor. Consequently, by preconditioning seedlings for water-deficit conditions the benefit is dual; both saving water with the reduced irrigation frequencies and increasing the seedling survival under harsh arid growth conditions.