Title : Characteristics of soil under sago stand and carbon content in Ambon small island for climate change handling
Sago (Metroxylon spp) is a source of food from wetlands. This plant plays a role in storing water and carbon which is very useful in dealing with climate change. If this plant is widely converted for other uses, such as agricultural expansion, it will cause disturbances in its function as a water and carbon store. In terms of national development in the short term, it is certainly more profitable to expand rice fields. However, in terms of regional development for the long term it is not necessarily profitable because it can trigger climate change that is getting worse. The results showed that the soil characteristics of the research site were Gleisol hydric (Typic hydraquents), District Gleisol (Typic endoaquepts), Gleisol fluvik (Fluventic endoaquepts) and Cambisol and Cambisol oxic (Typic dystrudepts). In addition, the results of the measurement of carbon stocks in the small island of Ambon (Molluccas Province) obtained an average carbon of 47 tons/ha consisting of sago seedling, sapling, poles and trees levels of 176, 77, 89, 51 trees/ha, respectively. For comparison, the carbon stock in Ambangah River (West Kalimantan Province) is 42 tons/ha consisting of sago seedling, sapling, polishing, trees respectively 2, 3, 107, 72 trees/ha and in Sentani (Jayapura City) and Jayapura Regency (Papua Province) 53 tons/ha consisting of sago seedling, sapling and polishing levels, trees 399, 81, 23 trees/ha, respectively. This situation indicates that the carbon content of sago is highly dependent on the composition of the growth strata of sago and other tree species in it.