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Agri 2024

Stem cutting approach for producing Combretum micranthum G. Don, a medicinal melliferous plant in Tropical Savannah areas

Felicien Amakpe, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Ministère du Cadre de Vie et des Transport, en Charge du Developpement Durable, Benin
Title : Stem cutting approach for producing Combretum micranthum G. Don, a medicinal melliferous plant in Tropical Savannah areas


Combretum micranthum is a wild medicinal melliferous tree from the tropical regions. As it is not domesticated and is intensively harvested, it is threatened to extinction and such extinction will hinder its ecological functions, the sociocultural and magico medicinal knowledge the community have developed around it. It urges then to develop suitable methods for its propagation and restoration in the entire tropical world. Beside the seed gemination which take too much time and yields genetically divergent seedling, stem cutting is an approach that helps maintain the genetic traits of the plant for the targeted pharmacological properties. At a nursery of the Republic of Benin, the most effective harvest season, the parts of the branch yielding the best vigorous seedlings and the optimal transplantation time were determined. The results showed that dry season cuttings yielded the best vigorous seedlings rate. Dry season Basal cuttings had the best survival rate while apical cuttings from the same season had the best vigorous seedlings rate at 43% versus 23% for the basal cuttings. Intermediate cuttings yielded low vigorous plantlets. The optimum nursery time was 90 days regardless of the harvest season. The technology did not require any root activator and the vigorous seedlings were available during the relevant reforestation season.

Keywords: Medicinal Plant, Melliferous Plant, Nursery, Stem Cuttings, Seedling, Tropical Area, Conservation.


Felicien AMAKPE is a PhD holder from the Laboratory of Molecular Entomology and Bee Pathology of Gent University (Belgium). Conservation officer at the General Directorate of Forest and Natural Resources of Benin, he is a researcher at the Centre Beninois de la Recherche Scientifique et de l’Innovation (CBRSI) and lecturer at the university of Abomey-Calavi in biosecurity and pollinator conservation. He is the operational National Focal Point of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) in charge of the Cartagena Protocol of Benin. Active member of the West African biosafety expert group and member of the steering comity of the West African Program on Vectorial Diseases Management, he was also a member of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Biology of the CBD. His main fields of expertise and competence include beekeeping and pollinator conservation, land use land cover; biodiversity conservation, forestry, LMO and pesticide risk assessment, poverty alleviation, rural development, Biosecurity.

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