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Agri 2024

Online monitoring of the extension process in the vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Jackson) crop in Puebla and Veracruz, Mexico

Dolores Valentina Mariscal Aguayo, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico
Title : Online monitoring of the extension process in the vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Jackson) crop in Puebla and Veracruz, Mexico


Vanilla, a plant native to Mexico, is a product demanded in the refreshments and culinary industries, and it has productive potential in the country; however, it is necessary to improve the production system. The objective of the work was to implement a technology transfer model to develop vanilla agribusinesses. Work was carried out in the municipalities of San José Acateno and Hueytamalco, Puebla, and Papantla, Veracruz, during nine months in 2016, working with 81 producers and five advisors. Chapingo - Agropec Star advisory and consulting model was implemented, which consisted of computer and communication technology with specialized software for the development and registration of the work carried out in the vanilla production process. Extension workers were trained in the management of the platform and production disciplines. Advising and training were provided to producers by extension workers. The producers have 0.50 hectares, on average, for crop production. 90% of the producers are over 60 years old, and 50% are of Totonac origin. Vanilla production is a secondary source of income and is carried out only out of tradition or because the land with the crop was inherited. Yields range from 50 to 300 kg/ha of green pod. With the training courses, producers achieved the implementation of different innovations, such as bot-cuttings guides (51.85 %), application of compost (43.21 %), pollination (38.27 %), and weed control (37.04 %). Vanilla cultivation in Mexico is carried out, in a traditional way, where the properties are small, and the cultivation tasks are carried out by the same producer and his family, without using specialized technologies. The productivity of the agribusinesses is low. Online monitoring of the crop system allows for verification in real-time of the activities realized and the generation of indicators for identifying the areas to improve.

Audience Takeaways:

  • Explain how the audience will be able to use what they learn?

To know a model for monitoring, control, and evaluation of the production of vanilla crops.

  • How will this help the audience in their job? Is this research that other faculty could use to expand their research or teaching? Does this provide a practical solution to a problem that could simplify or make a designer’s job more efficient? Will it improve the accuracy of a design, or provide new information to assist in a design problem? List all other benefits.

The model consists of the use of computer and communication technology with specialized software for the development and registration of the work carried out in the vanilla production process, but this model can be used in other crops. The other faculty can use this and facilitate the information registration and analysis


D. Valentina Mariscal A. studied the B.Sc. In Animal Production at the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, México, graduated with as M.S. in 1990 in Chapingo and Ph.D. in 1994 in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, U.S.A. Professional Development: Agribusiness Development; Research area: Endocrinology and reproductive physiology in pigs and cattle, Digital agribusiness management. Extension Activities: Technology transfer and development of enterprises with Producer Organizations. Publication 50 in research and extension journals.

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