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Agri 2024

Morphological characterization of mamey fruits (Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H. E. Moore & Stearn) in cuetzala del progreso, Mexico

Juan Martinez Solis, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico
Title : Morphological characterization of mamey fruits (Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H. E. Moore & Stearn) in cuetzala del progreso, Mexico


The mamey [Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H. E. Moore & Stearn] has high potential for commercial exploitation; however, to date the plantations in Cuetzala del Progreso, Mexico, are characterized by having native trees, and their dissemination has been mainly by seed, thus generating a wide genetic diversity. The objective of this research was to morphologically characterize, based on fruit and seed parameters, 29 accessions of mamey sapote from Cuetzala del Progreso, to identify those with the best outstanding characteristics. Morphological variables were evaluated: weight, diameter and thickness of the fruit, thickness of the epicarp and mesocarp, number of seeds, weight, length, width and thickness of these, firmness, Brix, color of the epicarp and mesocarp. Through a multivariate clustering analysis, three groups of accessions were detected; a discriminant analysis corroborated the relevance of these groups and showed that the groupings were based mainly on characteristics related to physical and hedonic quality. Thus, qualities of interest with opportunities for use for the genetic improvement of fruit morphology were identified in the populations.

Audience Take Away Notes:


  • The importance of the crop and the traits to determine its fruit quality. This information can be used to introduce this crop in other places
  • To know the alternatives to identify the best accessions according with fruit parameters and later use this information in a plant breeding program



Juan Martínez Solís has a Msc in Plant Genetics and PhD in Horticulture. He was plant breeder from 1985 util 1989. From 1990 he is professor assistant in Chapingo University, Mexico, where he has been working in several topics like a seed science, vegetable production and molecular markers. He has more than 45 papers published in either Mexican or International Journals (https://orcid.org/0000- 0003-4080-1286). In the past ten years he has been collaborating with the researchers in ornamental and fruits crops, particularly in topics related with production, molecular and morphological characterization, and postharvest management. Juan is member of several scientific association in Mexico, Europe and South America.

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