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Agri 2024

Is productivity a major constraint in India’s competitiveness in the global agricultural commodity market?

Gopal Naik, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Indian Institute of Managemnt (IIM), Bangalore, India
Title : Is productivity a major constraint in India’s competitiveness in the global agricultural commodity market?


Productivity primarily determines the competitiveness of a country. Countries with high productivity can become highly competitive in the global market and enhance their export revenues. On the other hand, productivity shocks can worsen the commodity price dynamics in the domestic market and affect the competitiveness of the country. Role of productivity has not been extensively analysed in agriculture trade worldwide and especially in India. Hence, an attempt is made to understand the role of productivity in agricultural exports of India through Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). Competitiveness of the nine major agricultural commodities exported from India has been analysed to understand the role of productivity in influencing exports. As a first step, the trends in productivity of the nine commodities in India and leading producing and exporting countries globally is ascertained and compared. Then the impact of productivity on exports is analysed using regression models. The results shows that there is a long run relationship between productivity and exports and a percent increase in the productivities of Rice, Wheat, Sorghum, Groundnut, Sugarcane, Millets, Tea, Coffee, and Bengal gram will increases their exports by 2.95 percent, 10.98 percent, 24.21 percent, 1.11 percent, 5.14 percent, 1.88 percent, 1.85 percent, 5.23 percent, 18.51 percent, 7.84 percent, respectively, in India.  The productivity trend analysis and CAGRs have shown that India has performed relatively well in different time periods (1961 – 2020, 1961 – 1990, 1991 – 2020 & 2006 – 2020) compared with other major producers and exporters of selected agricultural commodities. Overall analysis of the data and the literatures have shown that sustainable cultivation practices and supportive government policies towards viable productivity enhancement measures can improve competitiveness of India in the global commodity market.


Dr. Gopal Naik, served as a Professor in the Economics Area at IIM Bangalore for 20 years. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA. His focus areas have been agriculture and rural development. Many of his works facilitated policymaking at the government level. He has been coordinating the Unnat Bharath Abhiyan initiative by Govt. of India, which is inspired by the vision of transformational change in rural development processes by leveraging knowledge institutions. Led by Prof. Naik, IIMB’s Centre for Public Policy (CPP) has developed a tele-education project (Satellite & Advanced Multimedia Interactive Education (SAMIE) which was reaching nearly 200,000 school children in 1000 schools in rural backward regions in Karnataka. This project won the prestigious World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) 2015 Award of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the United Nations in Geneva for innovative applications. In 2022, Prof. Naik was appointed the Jal Jeevan Mission Chair in Utility Development & Water Economics. 

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