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Agri 2024

Digital payment realization connecting farmer’s producer organization for farm supply management

Saima Mohan, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd., India
Title : Digital payment realization connecting farmer’s producer organization for farm supply management


Agriculture is vital for India's economy and food security with 70% rural population relying on it for livelihood. To address the constraints in agricultural markets and providing quality information, Indian government-initiated Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) to strengthen medium and small farmers. After an initial 3 to 5 years of support by government, these FPO face challenges in their financial viability and sustain the growth of their business. About 80% of transactions between FPO and farmer members are still dependent on cash payments, which results in lack of accountability, difficulty in maintaining transparent financial records and transaction history. This can further challenge the ability of farmer members and FPOs to access credit, loans, and other financial services from formal institutions. We also observe that lack of digital payments may also result in missed opportunities for data-driven insights that can be crucial for strategic decision-making and crop planning activities. This may delay the ability of FPOs to analyse market trends, optimize operations and make informed business decisions.

It is observed, farmers exhibit notable reluctance to share their account details, impeding the seamless transition towards digital payment mechanism. Moreover, the inconvenience associated with online ordering and payment entry further discourages their engagement with such systems. Safety concerns regarding user registration and secure handling of card details also contribute to the hesitancy.

To address these concerns, we bring in an improved payment module integrated into our digital farm management and procurement system at the convenience of end users. Here, we provide two different payment options. Option 1, with one-time setup through user registration with a payment partner, prioritizing user safety and card information security. Option 2, offering short-term credit facilitated via banking partners like Kisan Credit card, providing authorization while requiring farmer registration for Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) or credit lines. With embedded digital payment into the system, it enables providing seamless payment upon order confirmation on inventory bought by farmers and further confirmation for debit payment from account linked thereby reducing the need for manual payment entry.

It further links agriculture advisory services enabling localized and personal farm recommendations based on input supply transactions made. It helps FPO and farmer members discover product demand, price variation, and connect with stakeholders to realize efficient operations, timely order management remotely and optimal management of resources. Such digital transformation further enables availing government incentives, subsidies, and support schemes effortlessly with financial institutions now being able to access to farmers farm information, and their associated financial transactions.

Audian Takeaways: 

  • Importance of agriculture and its role in India's GDP growth and food security
  • Challenges faced by Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and Farmer members in financial viability, growth, and access to credit
  • Socio factors impeding farmers to adopt digital payment, drawbacks of cash payments and the need to transform to digital payment mechanisms.
  • Benefits of an improved embedded digital payment module for seamless transactions, providing value to access farm advisory services with data driven personalized recommendations for better management of farm, higher yield, and income.


Ms. Saima Mohan, Senior Researcher at Hitachi's R&D Centre in Bengaluru, with 13 years of industry experience. Her areas of interest and expertise are in Neuroscience, Intelligent Transport Systems, Smart City Spaces with system designing using Big Data analytics, AI/ML, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision research. She holds a master’s degree in biomedical engineering and is pursuing learning in business management. Her current work includes researching business strategy in agriculture spaces.

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