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Agri 2024

Alternative organic substrates in hydroponic tomato production

Jesus Magdaleno Villar, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico
Title : Alternative organic substrates in hydroponic tomato production


There is a wide variety of materials that can be suitable as growing substrates, considering their physical, chemical and biological characteristics. The proportion in the mixture of most inorganic and organic materials has an important role in obtaining a new one, because organic matter is an active component and its incorporation into the inorganic substrate can help improve its characteristics. The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of using alternative organic substrates to conventional ones, in a mixture with low-cost inorganic substrates, on the agronomic components in the production of hydroponic tomato in the greenhouse. A randomized complete block experimental design was used with four replications and six treatments (S1: oat straw/tezontle 75/25 v/v, S2 oat straw/tezontle 50/50 v/v, S3 corn straw/tezontle 75/25 v/v, S4 corn straw/tezontle 50/50 v/v and S5 Coconut fiber and S6: tezontle (volcanic sand), as controls). The physical properties and water fractions of the substrates were evaluated before and after the cultivation cycle, morphological variables of the plants, yield and fruit quality. As results: the apparent density was affected by the proportion of the mixtures and this increased at the end of the cycle. Coconut fiber showed the greatest porosity, this property was also greater in the substrates mixed in a 75/25 v/v proportion. The mixed substrates and coconut fiber had high aeration capacity with low percentages of Easily Available Water, Reserve Water and Totally Available Water. At the end of the cycle, the mixed substrates improved due to the decomposition of organic matter, S6 remained stable. There were no differences in growth, yield and fruit quality. The substrates did not reach ideal physical characteristics, but they allowed a normal short cycle in tomato cultivation.
Keywords: Solanum lycopersicum L, crop residues, soilless cultivation, water fractions.

Audience Take Away Notes:


  • How can we reduce production costs in greenhouse tomato cultivation, without affecting its performance
  • How substrates other than conventional ones can be used in hydroponic tomato production
  • What physical properties are modified with mixtures of organic and inorganic substrates
  • How the water fractions in a substrate are affected after its use in a crop
  • How the physical properties of substrates are altered after a production cycle and whether they can continue to be used


Dr. J. Jesus Magdaleno Villar graduated from the Doctorate in Horticulture Sciences from the Autonomous University Chapingo (UACh) in 2006, he has published 14 scientific articles in various Horticulture journals, he is a professor-researcher at the UACh from 2014 to date, He has supervised 13 bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses. He has participated as an organizer and speaker of scientific events and field demonstrations from 1992 to date, he has been a field coordinator, research support coordinator and viceprincipal of research at the UACh in different periodso, Mexico.

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