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Agri 2024

Agroforestry-land utilization method for food security and protection of natural resources

Noemi Stadler Kaulich, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Mollesnejta-Institute for Andean Agroforestry, Bolivia
Title : Agroforestry-land utilization method for food security and protection of natural resources


Climate change, loss of soil fertility and declining biodiversity are jeopardizing humanity's food supply.
Agroforestry can ensure food security through the following points:

Adaptation to climate change

  • Tree crowns dampen the wind (prevent wind erosion)
  • Provide shade or partial shade depending on the tree species and pruning
  • The foliage covers the soil and prevents silting by raindrops
  • The roots stabilise the soil (prevent water erosion and landslides

Improves soil fertility

  • The tree absorbs nutrients via deep roots, forming branches and leaves, the leaves fall to the ground and enrich the topsoil with "new" nutrients
  • Trees release up to 1/3 of their assimilates from photosynthesis into the soil via their roots to feed the soil biome
  • Dead roots are biomass in the soil and therefore food for the soil biome
  • Biomass from leaves, fallen branches, dead roots and the assimilates become permanent humus, a long-term C sink

Increase in yields

  • Agroforestry enables an increase in yields through three-dimensional land utilisation
  • Permanent humus in the soil means an active soil biome that synthesises new nutrients and stores them in the humus, as well as moisture, so that high-yield harvests can be expected.
  • Biodiversity
  • Balance between pests and beneficial insects - pesticides become unnecessary
  • Habitat for wild animals, insects (above ground)
  • Beneficial bacteria, fungi, woodlice (underground)

Increase in income

  • Diversification of production
  • Higher quality of production
  • Better health for humans and animals (no need to use chemical agricultural additives)
  • A fully nourished crop contains the full complex of nutrients and secondary plant substances that are necessary for the healthy nutrition of humans and animals and therefore promote their health.

For all this points the presentation will show examples in the field.

Audience Take Away Notes:

The audience will know about the impacts of agroforestry and can decide about to implement or not
The audience will have the most actual information about Agroforestry and the latest research data


Dr. Noemi Stadler Kaulich studied Chemistry at the Sofia University, Bulgaria and graduated as MS in 1999. She then joined the research group of Prof. James at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IGIC-BAS). She received her PhD degree in 2004 at the same institution. After one year postdoctoral fellowship supervised by Dr. Williams at the Catalysis and Spectrochemistry Laboratory, France she obtained the position of an Associate Professor at the IGIC. She has published more than 70 research articles in SCI(E) journals.

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