Title : Sugarcane intercropping impact on weed dry matter, profitability, sugar quality, and sugarcane
The effects of sugarcane intercropping on weed dry matter, profitability, sugar quality and sugarcane productivity were investigated at Badeggi, Nigeria in 2016 and 2017. The results revealed that application of Sugarcane + Groundnut intercropping produced lower weed dry matter comparable to Sugarcane + Soybean intercropping which significantly increased growth and yield attributes of sugarcane. Application of Sugarcane + Groundnut intercropping, resulted in a comparable germination count, Tiller count, plant and stalk height to Soybean intercropping. Similarly, Sugarcane + Groundnut intercropping and Soybean intercropping produced comparable stalk height and brix content. Also, Sugarcane + Groundnut intercropping generated more millable canes and stools per plot. Application of Sugarcane + Groundnut intercropping proved equally effective as Soybean intercropping in contributing the highest cane yield. Highest net farm income was found in Sugarcane + Groundnut intercropping. In the same way, Sugarcane + Groundnut intercropping and Soybean intercropping produced comparable sucrose and glucose content. Lower weed dry matter was found in Sugarcane + Groundnut intercropping, and taller plant and stalks, girth, brix content, millable cane, stools, sucrose, glucose content. and cane yield were observed in Sugarcane + Groundnut intercropping. In conclusion, application of Sugarcane + Groundnut intercropping or Soybean intercropping effectively controlled weeds, increased plant and stalk height, girth, brix content, millable cane, stools and cane yield of sugarcane.