Title : Success of current measures to promote agroforestry in Italy within the EU Common Agricultural Policy
Scientific evidence, as well as policy institutions at EU level, recognise that agroforestry systems can contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity enhancement, soil fertility and protection, and can provide opportunities for local rural economy. Therefore, agroforestry is relevant to various European policy targets and areas. In the EU, agroforestry is mainly supported by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Pillar II, i.e. Rural Development Programmes (RDPs).
The aim of the present work is to provide an overview of the level of CAP support that agroforestry practices have received in Italy, and to understand whether CAP facilitated their adoption. In particular, our research is focused on the Italian regions and the two programming periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2022.
The study is based on interviews with the regional managing authorities and survey with farmers in Italy. The aim of interviews and survey was to gather explanations for the adoption or not of policy measures related to agroforestry practices. Also, the analysis considers the main CAP legislation framework for Pillar I and Pillar II, together with the accompanying and transposed legislation, a review of the Monitoring and Evaluation reports, and of scientific literature collected through ISI WEB of Science, Google scholar and grey literature.
The findings suggest that only few Regions activated the measures supporting agroforestry in the programming periods considered, and even in these cases the level of funding used was very low. The reasons for these are related both to the contexts – e.g. cultural landscapes, agricultural structural characteristics – and the overall policy framework for the CAP – e.g. eligibility criteria for the direct payment scheme in relation to tree density, for the greening payment scheme, and the implementation of RDP measures. Some policy recommendations close our presentation.
Audience Take Away Notes:
- Effectiveness of the EU Common Agricultural Policy in relation to the promotion of agroforestry.
- If and how policies can affect the uptake of agroforestry.
- How to better promote agroforestry through the EU CAP.