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AGRI 2023

Indian Agriculture @75: Development issues and challenges

V P S Arora, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Venkateshwara Group of Institutions, India
Title : Indian Agriculture @75: Development issues and challenges


Agriculture is an important sector of Indian economy, accounting for about 20% in Gross Value Added (GVA) and registering a growth of around 4 %.  Growth in allied sectors including horticulture, livestock, dairying and fisheries have been the major drivers of overall growth in the sector. The sector is also the largest employer of workforce contributing employment to about 50 % of the total workforce in the country. Agriculture and allied sectors provide food and nutrition security to the nation. In the 75th year of its Independence of the country, it is important to assess the achievements and identify development challenges the sector confront. This will enable to build a future growth strategy for Indian agriculture and its allied sectors. 


Marginal and small farm sizes constitute more than 85% of the operational holdings in India.  It is time to develop impactful programmes to support and empower them with knowledge for sustainable and climate resilient production.  The Government of India has brought significant reforms in the agriculture sector which will go a long way in building efficient value chains and ensuring better returns for farmers. With independent India turning 75, Indian agriculture also needs to be transformed and reoriented to be smart and sustainable. Towards this, there is an immense need to promote interventions that help in achieving the sustainable development goals target.

As we embark on a new era of agriculture with enormous pressure to produce more food from less land with shrinking water and other natural resources, there is an urgent need to strengthen the existing agricultural value chain.  Country needs to evolve smart and sustainable agriculture that aims to bring all key stakeholder and policy makers on a common platform to ideate on implementable strategy. The paper also highlights priorities and develops segment wise visions with a clear set of recommendations.

Auidence Take Away Notes:

  • Understand Indian Agriculture from historical perspective.
  • Learn agriculture growth during 75 years of Independence.
  • Learn the contribution of Agriculture in Indian economy.
  • Learn problems and challenges of Indian agriculture


Dr. V P S Arora, Professor Emeritus and Principal Advisor to Shri Venkateshwara Group of Institutions was working till recently as Professor Emeritus and Advisor, Sharda University, Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. He earned his Bachelors’, Masters’ and Doctoral degrees from G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand), the first Farm University of India. He also completed Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management from a Central University. Dr Arora served Pantnagar University for over 33 years as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Head of Department of Agricultural Economics and Dean College of Agribusiness Management. In Pantnagar University Prof Arora was also tasked with the responsibilities of several administrative positions including Registrar, Coordinator Admissions, Establishment Officer, Chief Vigilance Officer, Chief Personnel Officer, Chief Security Officer, Chief Reception Officer, Director Administration and Director Monitoring. He also chaired the standing statutory committees of the University on Admissions, Examinations, Academic Policies, Negotiations etc.

Dr Arora was the founder Dean of College of Agribusiness Management and its flagship Program of M B A (Agribusiness), first of its kind under the ICAR-SAU system of the country. He successfully undertook international consulting projects of IRRI (Philippines), OECD (France), APO (Japan), FAO (Rome) and ADB (Manila). Dr. Arora has over 47 years of professional experience in academics at reputed national and global institutions of higher learning. Dr Arora served Alemaya/ Haramaya University, Ethiopia as Visiting Professor for a period of four years (2000-02 and 2017-19). Dr Arora also served leading private Universities - Amity University as Dean Academics and Sharda University as Professor Emeritus, Director IQAC and Advisor.

Dr Arora joined Kumaun University (a State University of Uttarakhand) as its Vice Chancellor in 2009 and created number of milestones therein including creation of Directorates of Placement and Counselling, Research and Extension, Information and Communication Technology, and Quality Assurance; introduced semester system at post graduate level, and brought discipline and transparency in academics, examinations, assessment, and administration. He had been Pro-Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of Shri Venkateshwara University Uttar Pradesh, Pro-Chancellor of Venkateshwara Open University, Itanagar, Mentor/ President, Centre for Education Growth and Research, Director, Nainital Bank Limited and Director, Jasmine Mega Structures Private Limited.

Dr Arora has honour of addressing UN University, Tokyo on Agricultural Policies in South Asia, and OECD Member Countries on India’s Agricultural Policies (at OECD, Paris). Dr Arora successfully conducted 13 Research Projects and 7 Consulting Projects, supervised 24 PhD Scholars, authored/ edited / reviewed 10 Books, 21 chapters in Books, and over 100 research papers. He was the Chief Editor of two CEGR Text Books entitled Higher Education: Leadership and Management and Research Methodology.

He served on a number of committees, constituted by the Government of Uttarakhand, UGC, ICAR, AICTE, CII, Professional Societies, and Other Universities. Dr. Arora has been conferred with numerous awards and honours including Dr Rajendra Prasad Award for best original book in Hindi (1994-96), Life Time Achievement Awards (2009 and 2020), Uttarakhand Ratan Award (2011), Higher Education Leadership Award (2016), Outstanding Alumnus Award of Pantnagar University (2020), Outstanding Alumnus Award of College of Agriculture (2019) and Best Paper Awards. He had been the Conference President of Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing (2010), and Conference President of Agricultural Economics Research Association (2013). He has been Vice President (as also on the Editorial Board of journals published thereby) of professional societies like Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, and Agricultural Economics Research Association.

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