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AGRI 2023

Effects of organic amendments on the dynamic and composition of herbaceous species in a saline environment in Lower Casamance (Senegal)

Sire Diedhiou, Speaker at Agri Conferences
Universite Asssane Seck Ziguinchor, Senegal
Title : Effects of organic amendments on the dynamic and composition of herbaceous species in a saline environment in Lower Casamance (Senegal)


The present study aims to characterize the weed flora in the saline lowlands paddy filed of Enampore. Rainfed rice production is characterized by low yields due to salinity and weeds being major constraints. The trials were conducted in 2020 and 2021 in two sites (Selecky and Essyl). Surveys and observations were conducted before, during and after rice sprouts emerged. This work resulted in the identification of 24 species in 22 genera and 11 families. The dominant families are represented by the Poaceae (25%) and Cyperaceae (25%). Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons represent 50% each. This study reveals that 16 species are common to both test sites and 13 species to both areas (saline and non-saline). However, the frequency of weeds decreased between years and zones. The number of species listed in nonsaline conditions is respectively 20 in both 2020 and 2021 against 16 species in saline conditions at the same period. Organic amendments had no significant effect on the diversity and composition of grasses (P>0.05). The Shannon index indicates that diversity is generally low but higher in non-salineareas. The Beta index is higher in sites than in areas. This suggests that within sites individuals are evenly distributed among the different species.


Sire Diedhiou joined the University Assane Seck of Ziguinchor in 2013, Sire has been involved with studies related to Soil Microbial Ecology and Fertility in Senegal and in particular in the South of Senegal.  Sire has worked previously at CIRAD and IRD research institutes in topics involving the management of soil fertility and plant nutrition.

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