Title : BS963-protect-streams-4-sea: A collaborative effort for a clean Black Sea.
Efforts have been made to improve the conditions of the Black Sea, since it is considered one of the most degraded regional closed seas. Nonetheless, not much research has been conducted on the input of streams and rivers as major sources of sediment and litter pollutants. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are cost-efficient ways, while providing environmental, economic and social benefits. Further, the presented study is targeting the Black Sea region and is aiming in estimating the effect of land use alteration on the surface erosion based on erosion pin measurements. Four were the studied land uses: rangeland, agricultural land, schlerophylous vegetation and riparian vegetation areas at the study area of the Aggitis basin, Greece. It was hypothesized that nature’s “nature-based” examples, like the riparian areas, would indicate the lease soil loss. Indeed, based on the data, riparian areas, were the ones contributed the least sediments compared to the other land uses. This shows that mimicking nature and implementing “nature-based” solutions at the local and watershed scale favors reduction of soil pollutants.
Audience Take Away Notes
- How the cooperative program works for the Black Sea region
- Understand the input of nature-based solutions.
- Sustainable management requires the understanding of nature.