Title: The Nitrogen Dilemma – Good and Bad
Title: To be updated soon...
Title: To be updated soon...
Title: Long Term Implications of Climate Change on Crop Planning: Predictions and Planning Models
Title: Roadkill-data-based identification and ranking of mammal habitats
Title: Soil Salinity and Food Security
Title: Plant Biotechnology and Crop Improvemnet- Sadasivam Sankaranarayanan
Title: To be updated soon...
Title: Climate Smart Agriculture: Through Integrated Agronomic Practices For Enhancing The Productivity And Ensuring Food Security
Title: To be updated soon...
Title: From gaming to high throughput phenotyping: Use of an X-box camera to model soybean 3D structure and morphological traits
Title: Incorporating agroforestry design into perennial cash crop production
Title: Stochastic Option Pricing Model For Rainfall Derivatives - A Case Study Of Sugarcane Production In Valle Del Cauca, Colombia
Title: Food production x irrigation x natural resources in Brazil: Successful case and challenges for environmental sustainability
Title: Case Study: A Ten percent Acetic Acid Solution is Successful as a Growth Control Agent against Glyphosate Susceptible and Glyphosate Resistant Amaranthus palmeri (Palmer Amaranth) when plants are young and short
Title: Mathematical models for fertilizer applications for grain sorghum
Title: Urban Agriculture in socially vulnerable areas of São Paulo, Brazil and in Lisbon, Portugal
Title: Protein extracts as a biorefining product from the forage grass species Dactylis glomerata
Title: Safener activity and regulation in arabidopsis thaliana
Title: Development of an innovative technology for obtaining composite wheat-hemp flour with a high content polyunsaturated fatty acids and protein
Title: Portable veterinary ultrasound echoosteometer for assessing the physical characteristics of the bones of the skeleton of animals with their functional and pathological changes
Title: Genotype and management adaptation of crops to current and future climates
Title: Physiological and agronomic evaluation of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) During the flowering phase under controlled greenhouse conditions for resistance to water stress
Title: Chlorophyllin-based photosensitization for microbial control of fresh produce
Title: Focal buyer altruism and farmers’ market channel choice in the value chain of cavendish banana in santo tomas, davao del norte nathalie mica
Title: Tolerance of rice plants at variably reclaimed saline soils: Effectiveness of organic manure
Title: Growth and Yield Response of An Indian Wheat Cultivar (HD 2967) to Ozone and Water Stress in Open-top Chambers with Emphasis on Its Antioxidant status, Photosynthesis and Nutrient Allocation
Title: Truly intelligent farming - Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence of things (aiot) for next generation indoor farms
Title: Drudgery reduction through ergonomic evaluation of women farm workers by using improved tool during stalk harvesting of maize crop
Title: Underutilized aquatic food crops in waste wetland ecosystem - for enhancing productivity, value chain and rural income sustainability
Title: Application timing and concentration of abscisic acid to improve color of new hybrid ‘BRS Isis’ table grape in double cropping pattern
Title: Plans to prevent the consumption of mycotoxins, which are a significant danger in the food chain from the field to the table, by animals and humans
Title: Application of radiation processed oligo-chitosan as natural food preservative in subtropical region
Title: Evaluation of performance of sweet potato (ipomoea-batatas (l.) lam) varieties as influenced by organic mineral fertilizer rate and stem cutting length in the Nigerian savannas
Title: Predicting impact of climate change on water requirements for directly sown rain-fed sweet potato in the semi-arid katumani region, Kenya
Title: Open local geo-farmer’s map
Title: A Smart Climate Resilient Push-Pull Technology to the Management of Stem Borer and Striga: The effect of Brachiaria Rows on Stem borer Damage on Sorghum in Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia
Title: Patent development : An issues in the Agricultural, Marketing and Production in Nigeria
Title: Effects of zeolite soil amendment on potted cabbage and Swiss chard performance and water application
Title: Variability of Agricultural innovation for Climate change resilience and mitigation in sub-Sahara Africa
Title: Institutional constraints to horticulture production and marketing in Lesotho
Title: Is the South African land restitution settlement process a solution or an opportunity for the rural communities to produce food through the protection of natural resources?
Title: Business plan On Cattle fattening
Title: Non-Toxic -Naturally Control Methods For Sustainable Control Of Main Pests In Olive Farms In Egypt
Title: Non-Toxic -Naturally Control Methods For Sustainable Control Of Main Pests In Olive Farms In Egypt
Title: Influence of salt stress on morphological and biochemical characteristics of Peach (Prunus persica L.) Nemaguard rootstock in vitro
Title: Biology and control of tomato root disease caused by Fusarium Oxysporum f.sp. Lycopersici by using plant extracts
Title: Prediction of environmental indicators in land levelling using artificial intelligence techniques
Title: Current and future soil loss under changing climate and land use in the lake tana basin
Title: Photosynthesis and drought in Plants
Title: Alternate wetting and drying: a promising water saving approach to reduce methane emission without lessening yield in dry season rice