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Agri 2024

Mallikarjuna Muddappa

Mallikarjuna Muddappa, Speaker at Agri Conferences
Mallikarjuna Muddappa
College of Agricultural Engineering, UAS, India


Dr. Mallikarjuna Muddappa studied B.Tech.(Ag.Engg.) from University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur-584104, Karnataka in 2010. He joined in for M.Tech.(SWCE) with ICAR-Junior Research Fellowship at Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Maharashtra completed master degree in 2012 and the Doctoral degree Ph.D.(SWE) received with UGC- Senior Research Fellowship from University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur-584104, Karnataka in 2017. He has published more than 10 research articles in NAAS journals. Since from 2017 working as Assitant Professor in the Dept. of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka , India
