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Agri 2024

Evaluation of botanical plant powders against Zabrotes Subfasciatus (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in stored local common bean varieties

Fikadu kifle Haileglorigis, Speaker at Agriculture Conferences
Title : Evaluation of botanical plant powders against Zabrotes Subfasciatus (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in stored local common bean varieties


Common bean is one of the most important sources of protein in Ethiopia and other developing countries. However, the Mexican bean weevil, Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman), is a major factor in the storage of common beans that causes losses. Studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of botanical powders of Jatropha curcas (L.), Neem/Azadrachta indica and Parthenium hysterophorus (L) on local common bean varieties against Z subfasciatus at Melkassa Agriculture Research Center. Twenty local common bean varieties were evaluated twice against Z. Subfasciatus in a completely randomized design in three replications at the rate of 0.2g/250g of seed for each experiment. Malathion and untreated were used as a standard check. The result indicated that RAZ White and Round Yellow were shows high resistance variety in experiments while Batu and Black were shows high susceptible variety in experiments Jatropha seed powder was the most effective against Z. subfasciatus. Parthenium seed powders and neem leaves powders also indicate promising results. Common beans treated with botanicals significantly (p?0.05) had a higher germination percentage than that of the untreated seed. In general, the results obtained indicated that using bean Varieties (RAZ white and Round yellow) and botanicals (Jatropha) seed powder gave the best control of Z. subfasciatus.

KEYWORDS: Botanicals, Malathion, Resistant, varieties


Fikadu Kifle Hailegeorgis

Addis Ababa University, College of Natural and computations sciences, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. P.O.Box, 1176, Addis Ababa

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